Improve your website with Growth Driven Desing, an smarter approach

Forget the headaches with the inconsistent and unreliable results you’ve experienced with your traditional and outdated website design. 

With Growth Driven Design your website will have a smarter approach that will generate optimal results with the use of data. 

We work with the best technology

How &nbspGrowth Driven Design&nbsp works

Growth Driven Design is based on the agile SCRUM process and weaves various concepts into a comprehensive and highly effective web design methodology.


Set smart goals, understand your users’ behavior, solve design problems, and connect with your customers.

With clear goals in place, you avoid a slow start with endless revisions. You can move towards the desired results, quickly. 

By understanding the needs and pain points of your ideal customer, you can map out an effective customer journey and use the data to shape your website with the end customer in mind.

Putting strategy before tactics allows you to take an organized wish list of ideas and turn them into an actionable implementation plan.

The &nbsplaunch&nbsp pad.

Quickly create a website that looks and works better than the one you have today, but isn’t a finished product. Rather, your launch pad is the foundation on which you can build and optimize.

Page layouts and flow are planned for each key page and pillar, taking special care to address user needs and SEO goals.

Content creation focuses on building your page flows into a design-ready prototype (wireframe). With solid content in place before design, the design will run smoother and faster.

With page prototypes firmly in place, a first look at the new design can be completed within a week, followed immediately by feedback gathering and the final design.

Coding in COS, inserting all links, metadata, browser tests, speed tests, and launch with heatmap and screen recording in place.

While your sprints focus on the 3-5 pages that can make the most impact, you’ll want to put a “fresh coat of paint” on the rest of the site as you migrate to your new website.

We lean toward rapid release, however speed should not compromise your ability to provide user value and team/stakeholder happiness.

Continuous &nbspimprovement.&nbsp

With a live launch pad and user data collection, you can begin to identify high-impact actions you can take to grow your business.

Each plan begins with a focus metric that you want to improve. Ideas with the highest impact to achieve the goal of the focus metric are prioritized in a time-framed build sprint.

Now it’s time to GSD and build on the action items that you brainstormed and prioritized in the planning step. Work in sprint with a cross-functional group or team.

A key part of optimization is reviewing experiments and analyzing data to extract insights about your audience. 

Learning what works (and what doesn’t) will help inform the ideas generated in the planning step of your next sprint cycle.

Una vez que hemos aprendido acerca de nuestra audiencia y clientes, es hora de compartir esos aprendizajes con otras partes de la empresa; marketing, ventas, servicio, etc. 

La colaboración entre departamentos ayuda a tu equipo de crecimiento a comprender mejor cómo realizar ajustes para obtener el máximo rendimiento.

Join the companies that trust Drago’s House to grow their business

See what it’s like to improve and grow your business website with Drago’s House by your side. 

Try us for free: we will diagnose your website and prepare a set of improvements that you can apply to your website.